Reliable Hospice Couriering for
Collectively bringing over 200 years of delivery, transportation, and logistics experience, we use this knowledge to assist our clients in achieving their delivery goals.
Committed to your delivery needs
Get your delivery needs met by our professional staff and certified drivers
Same Day Delivery
We’re committed to making sure you get what you need, when you need it. Contact us to learn more about our same-day delivery services and how they can benefit your business!
24/7 Service
We're open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Not all businesses operate on a 9 to 5 schedule. You can feel confident that our courteous and professional staff will be there to handle your call any time day or night.
HIPAA Certified
Our Medical/Pharmaceutical couriers are all HIPAA certified and trained to respect the critical and sensitive nature of your business environment. We will provide the fastest and most reliable service for your patients.
Professional Drivers
Trained. Tested. Proven.
We understand that when you call us for a medical delivery, you're not the only one who's depending on us. Getting your delivery to where it needs to be safely, securely and on time is more than a priority - it's vital. That's why healthcare providers all over Arizona and Nevada rely on us for their medical delivery needs. We have the staff and vehicles on call to meet your needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, ensuring that your product will get to where it needs to go safely and securely. Our drivers receive annual training ensuring safety with pharmaceuticals/controlled substances, all within HIPPA/patient confidentiality. All our drivers have passed criminal background checks and are subject to drug testing. Our drivers are uniformed and have photo ID's.
What we do
We are an experienced courier service providing pharmaceutical delivery
Palliative Care
At GPS Couriers, we take all of our transportation requests very seriously, but realize that any request for a hospice patient is particularly urgent. We want our customers to know that we pay the upmost attention to these requests and realize the sensitive nature and will do everything in our power to provide expedited service for these requests. We know that on the other end someone is waiting for medication that will ease their pain and suffering and anything that we can do to alleviate the patient's wait for their medication will be accelerated.
GPS Couriers provides pharmaceutical delivery for companies, hospitals and medical centers. Our couriers are highly trained and have a proven track record for consistently delivering packages with absolute dependability. All chain of custody and documentation are compliant with FDA regulations. Our specialized infrastructure and quality controls ensure that from the time your package is picked up until it is delivered to its final destination, it is secured properly and can be tracked. Call us today for more information on all your pharmaceutical transportation needs.
GPS Couriers (formerly known as Cactus Couriers) was founded by John King in 1998 as one of Arizona's original Hospice courier services. With it's corporate headquarters in Phoenix, AZ, GPS Couriers have satellite operations in Tucson, AZ, Denver, CO, Colorado Springs, CO) and Grand Junction, CO. Our company's reputation is built upon superior service, excellent organizational skills, professional appearance and above all, the ability to consistently meet even the most sensitive deadlines. GPS Couriers collectively bring over 200 years of delivery, transportation, and logistics experience. This applied knowledge and understanding of the industry assists our clients with achieving their delivery goals.
We are hiring
We are looking for reliable drivers to delivery important medical supplies to our clients.
Get started with GPS Couriers today
Get your medical delivery needs met with our certified professional drivers